Wednesday, April 28, 2010

One day at a time...

Yesterday was Day 2... and I did OK (until night time when I cheated a little).

* Lunch - 2 veggie burgers w/ mustard - 4 points
* Dinner - 2.5 slices pizza w/ broccoli - 21 points
* Dessert - sugar-free pudding - 1 point
* Late Night Cheating - a few handfuls of Goldfish crackers... oops! - 4 points?

Not great, not terrible!

I still ignored the chocolate cupcakes still sitting in my kitchen!

Now it's Day 3 and our microwave crapped out... looks like it's fatal this time. So I had a bowl of cereal for lunch. All my cravings seem to come at night. I can go all day without eating or snacking... but it's like, once it starts (with dinner)... I just can't stop until bed!

Still haven't made an effort to exercise, but it doesn't help that it's 55 degrees out and it feels FREEZING!


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